The Recruiting Standard for Offshore Talent
We figure out exactly who you need to hire.
Build you a custom interview process.
Review, interview, and test 1,000+ candidates per role.
You get the perfect hire and save $40K or more.

Social Proof
Don't listen to us.
Listen to our customers.
How We Vet Your Candidates
Your hiring needs are unique to your company. We customize our entire vetting process for each role.
Every candidate you meet has already been tested specifically for your position.
Video Screen
- Video Call Quality
- 1-2 questions about their relevant experience
Job Preview Test
- Attention to detail
- Async communication style
Deep Interview
- Attention to detail
- Async communication style
Real Work Test
- Attention to detail
- Async communication style
How We Vet Your Candidates
Your hiring needs are unique to your company. We customize our entire vetting process for each role.
Every candidate you meet has already been tested specifically for your position.
Video Screen
- Video Call Quality
- 1-2 questions about their relevant experience
Job Preview Test
- Attention to detail
- Async communication style
Deep Interview
- Attention to detail
- Async communication style
Real Work Test
- Attention to detail
- Async communication style
Roles we can add to your team
We mainly recruit for salespeople and marketers on internal teams or agencies. If you don't see a role you need, just ask us about it.
We'll let you know if we're not a good fit (no one likes a bad client).
Digital Marketing
• Social Media Marketing
• SEO, Reporting, Analytics
• Graphic Design
Sales Reps
• SDRs and BDRs
• Account Executives
• Customer Support
Video Editing
• YouTube, TikTok, Instagram
• B-roll, Captions, Music, SFX
• Project Management
Graphic Designer
• Adobe Suite, Figma, Canva
• Website, Logos & Branding
• Decks, PDF, Social Content
Frequently Asked Questions
An RGP is a dedicated, full time employee for your team, that is managed by us and on our payroll. They speak fluent English and are typically college educated. Each RGP is specifically recruited for your needs and is managed by your dedicated Account Manager.
Each RGP works the hours that are requested by their client. We vet their availability during our recruiting process.
RGPs only work for the one client they have been specifically recruited to support. They’re full time for you only.
We cover most sales, modern marketing and creative tasks. While we can help a little with strategy, we're best at execution. If you're looking for a different kind of support, let us know and we'll give you an honest answer about our ability to help.
You could, but it takes a lot of work – like the same amount of work it takes to hire a full time person on your team. In our experience, it often goes poorly unless you have experience hiring overseas talent.You need to set up the right recruiting pipelines and have proper compliance in each country you hire from. We take care of all of this for you.
Email, Slack, WhatsApp...whatever your preference. RGPs are flexible to communicate through whatever channels work best for you.
Ready to get your time back?
Not sure if you need RGP? Comparing us to another vendor?
We're not the right fit for everyone, but reach out and we'll give you the truth.