Hire an Email Marketing Specialist

Deliver great emails to the right audience at the right moment.
We’ll recruit someone who can analyze what’s working and optimize your campaigns.

Email Marketing Specialist Drive Results

You have several email campaigns and subscriber lists to manage. Let's find an Email Marketing Specialist manage all of the tasks and reporting.

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Email Marketing Specialist Tasks

Segment Audiences

Divide your audience into targeted segments to make each message personalized and increase conversions.

Email Automation

Building email workflows is a lot of work that you probably don’t have time for. Delegate this to a specialist.

A/B Test and Split Testing

Test everything to improve open rates, click rates, and deliverability. Figure out what’s working best.

Reporting and Analysis

Keep your pulse on what’s working to drive conversions. Tweak what’s working to optimize your campaigns.

Analytics & Reporting
Marketing Generalist
Paid Ads
SEO Manager
Video Editor
Email Marketing
Graphic Designer

Jason Lalk

CEO | Remote Growth Partners

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